
fairy godmother

We have a fairy godmother in the lab: When I came back to my desk (after 4 days absence), there were 3 bottles of beer on my desk! I don't know from whom or why, but I was really surprised (in a positive way). I will wait for the fairy godmother to reveal her identity.

spring in cambridge

Coming back from Bruges, I realized that something fundamentally changed: it got warmer, trees are blooming and so on. It's spring, the best season of the year!

esann conference in belgium

From Wednesday to Friday I attended the European Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks (ESANN) in Bruges (Belgium). It was quite a cosy conference: not too many participants, but nice ones. Bruges is also nice. Looks a bit like Venice, but nicer (they have trees and parks in Bruges). I went to Bruges by Eurostar: London-Brussels in less than 2 hours. And after that an IC to Bruges. I like the Eurostar, although the interior looks a bit like old-fashioned German ICs. Anyway, good stuff.